Науково-педагогічна інтелігенція та радянська влада в Україні в роки Української революції





Проаналізовано проблеми еволюції взаємин науково-педагогічної інтелігенції з різними владами в часи Української революції 1917–1921 рр.

Основну увагу приділено трансформації взаємин науково-педагогічної інтелігенції та радянської влади, оскільки саме вона з численних влад, які боролися за володіння Україною, перемогла. Зазначені процеси розглянуто переважно на матеріалах вищих навчальних закладів, у межах яких під час Української революції діяла основна маса науково-педагогічної інтелігенції України.

Ключові слова: науково-педагогічна інтелігенція, радянська влада, Українська революція, вищі навчальні заклади, трансформація поглядів інтелігенції.

Біографія автора

V. M. Sheyko, Харківська державна академія культури, м. Харків

доктор історичних наук, професор, академік, ректор


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Butiagin, A.S. and Saltanov, Yu. A. (1957). University education in the USSR. Moscow: MSU Publishing House. [In Russian].

An extract from the minutes of the meeting of All-Ukrainian revolutionary committee on the allocation of funds for the social provision of medical students of Kharkiv dated February 16, 1920 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917–1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 133). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

Declaration on the rights and obligations of the working and exploited people of Ukraine: from the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR, dated March 10, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917–1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 86–88). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Russian].

Zolotoverkhyi, I. D. (1961). The Development of Ukrainian Soviet Culture (1917-1920). M.V. Koval (ed.). Kyiv: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. [In Ukrainian].

From the Declaration of the Provisional Workers’ and Peasants’ Government of Ukraine “On the Tasks of the Soviet Government in the Field of Education” dated January 26, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials. (p. 73). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

KCSA (Kyiv City State Archive), f. P-936 s. 2, archive unit 13, p. 32. [In Ukrainian].

The Communist (1923, June 24), p. 23. [In Russian].

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Litvinova, V. P. (1972). The struggle for the use of the bourgeois technical intelligentsia in the development of socialism during the years of the civil war and the restoration of the national economy: (the case of Ukraine). (Dissertation ... Candidate of Historical Sciences). A. M. Gorky Kharkov State University. Kharkov. [In Russian].

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Paton, Ye. O. (1956). Memoirs. Yu. Buriakovskyi (Literary notes). Kyiv: Derzhpolitvydav URSR. [In Ukrainian].

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Poroshenko, P. O. (March 18, 2017). Courage creates victory, unity creates unconquerable people: the President’s address to the Ukrainian people on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921. Uriadovy Courier (The Governement Bulletin), p. 2. [In Ukrainian].

“Pravda” (1920, July 10), p. 1. [In Russian].

On the celebration of notable days and anniversaries in 2017: from the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2017, March 4). Voice of Ukraine, 12, 1. [In Ukrainian].

About delegating the students of higher technical educational institutions to continue studying: The Decree of the Council of the People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR dated November 30, 1920 (1959). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR: the most important decisions of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, 1917-1959: collection of documents and materials. (Vol. 1 1917 — June 1941, pp. 75-76). Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About organizing zero semesters for training the workers to enter universities: the Decree of the higher education department of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the USSR, no later than June 15, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 118). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About admission to higher education institutions: The Decree of the Council of the People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR dated March 2, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 84). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About some changes in the structure of the state educational and higher educational institutions of the Ukrainian SSR: The Decree of the Council of the People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR dated 18 May 1919 (1959). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR: the most important decisions of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government, 1917–1959: collection of documents and materials (Vol. 1 1917 — June 1941, pp. 50–51). Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About the mobilization of professors and teachers: the resolution of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR dated May 24, 1920 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917–1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 141). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About the transfer of all school establishments to the department of education: The Decree of the Provisional Workers’ and Peasants’ Government of Ukraine dated January 25, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 72–73). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

On the transition of all private higher educational institutions to the state maintenance: The Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR dated April 24, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 102). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About the accelerated graduation of engineers: the resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR of June 5, 1920 (1959). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR: the most important decisions of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government, 1917-1959: collection of documents and materials (Vol. 1 1917 — June 1941, pp. 65–66). Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About the abolition of tuition fees in schools: the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, dated March 4, 1919, Cultural Work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927. Collection of documents and materials. (1979). The Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. Kyiv, p. 85. [In Ukrainian].

Ryappo, Ya (1925). Reorganization of higher education in Ukraine during the years of the revolution (1920-1924): collection of articles and reports. Kharkov: Gosizdat. [In Russian].

Collection of legal acts and orders of the Workers’ and Peasants’ government of Ukraine for 1919 (1919), 11. Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR. Kiev: “Printing House of S.P. Yakovlev”, Zolotovorotskaya. [In Russian].

Denikin’s followers before the republic’s court: (the morning session of April 26). The Proletarian (1921, April 29), p. 2. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine (Central State Archive of Higher Authorities and Administration of Ukraine), f. 2, s. 1, archive unit 26, p. 12. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine f. 166, s. 1, archive unit 15, pp. 82, 84, 87. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s. 1, archive unit 22, p. 2. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s. 1, archive unit 270, p. 2. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s. 1, archive unit 274, p. 8 - reverse side. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s. 1, archive unit 521, pp. 1, 3. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s.1, archive unit 570, pp. 1, 5, 10, 70. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s. 9, archive unit 12, pp. 59, 60. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 2717, s. 1, archive unit 107, pp. 251, 252. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 2717, s. 1, archive unit 107, p. 286. [In Ukrainian].

CSAPA of Ukraine (Central State Archive of Public Associations of Ukraine), f. 29, s. 1, archive unit 79, p. 131 — reverse side. [In Ukrainian].

Sheyko, V. M. (2017). The October Coup of 1917 and the Intelligentsia in Ukraine. V. M. Sheyko (Ed.). Culture of Ukraine. Series: Art Criticizm, Collection of scientific papers, 57, 138-154. Kharkiv: KhSAC. [In Ukrainian].

Sheyko, V. M. (2017). The Intelligentsia and the Revolution in Ukraine (the end of 19th — beginning of 20th centuries). V. M. Sheyko (Ed.). Culture of Ukraine. Series: Art Criticizm, Scientific papers, 56, 225-243. Kharkiv: KhSAC. [In Ukrainian].






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